Servant Church of San Diego is hosting an immersive Missions Exploration Week (April 14-20, 2025) to help participants learn about cross-cultural missions and discern God’s calling.
LEARN about
• cross-cultural and bilingual ministry in an inner city, immigrant, and border town context;
• faith-based non-profit ministries and their relationship to the local church; and
• subcultures, world religions, and histories represented in our community.
SERVE locally
• at bilingual parenting seminars hosted by a faith-based mental health non-profit,
• at the world-famous Chicano Park Day celebration, &
• at Servant Church's Easter Sunday worship service and celebration
• explore our community,
• discuss and pray about missions,
• consider God's calling for you, and
• possibly visit Tijuana, Mexico.
Participants should:
• be sensing a call to cross-cultural missions,
• be college age or older, and
• have a pastoral letter of recommendation.
For more information, call/text (619) 363-1931 or email info@servantchurchsd.org